Fallout 4 Fast Travel Console Command
- Fallout 4 Enable Fast Travel Console Command
- Fallout 4 Console Commands Steam
- Fallout 4 Fast Travel Console Command Download
If you're playing on PC and don't mind accessing the developer console, then Yes.There are a couple of commands you can use that will cause a menu exit as a side-effect. The simplest in this case is: player.moveto playerThis will fast travel or 'teleport' you to your current position. You will end up respawning on top of the crafting station you're currently accessing.Otherwise you can use the coc command to fast travel you to a specific location.
For example, open the console and type the following to teleport to Sanctuary: coc sanctuaryextEither one will close the current menu.
Fallout 4 Cheats ListFallout cheats is an updated list of all Fallout 4 console commands for PC and Mac (Steam). Cheats in this list include those for all DLCs: Nuka-World, Automatron, Far Harbor.Type the name of a command into the search box to instantly filter 134 commands. Hover over a command in the table to view argument help.
Click the 'Card View' button to view console commands in an easy-to-read format.The key used to open the console in Fallout 4 depends on your keyboard layout. The most common keys are (tilde), ` (grave, usually under ESC) and ' (apostrophe). If none of these work, or you are having issues using the console, please see our.Target commands are commands that will apply their effect to the target you currently have selected. To select a target, click on an object, NPC or item whilst the console is open (its reference ID will then appear above the console in brackets).
To deselect a target, simply click the target again. All target commands are indicted with a Target Command badge at the end of their description.
To the start of a target console command to apply its effects to your character (e.g. Player.additem instead of additem). Command NameSyntaxDescriptionplayer.additem item code amount silentThis command will add the item of the specified ID to your inventory. You can also specify an amount, which will make the command give you that amount of the item.
If you specify a 1 at the end of the command (silent), no confirmation message will be shown.player.removeallitemsThis command will clear your character's inventory (remove all items).player.removeitem item code amountThis command, as the name would suggest, removes the specified item from your inventory. Player.additem item code amount silentThis command will add the item of the specified ID to your inventory. You can also specify an amount, which will make the command give you that amount of the item. If you specify a 1 at the end of the command (silent), no confirmation message will be shown.
Fallout 4 Enable Fast Travel Console Command
Item CodeThe item code of the item you wish to spawn. See our for a list of codes.AmountOptional (default is 1).
The amount of the specified item you wish to add to your inventory.SilentOptional. If you specify 1 (or true) here, you will not be prompted with a confirmation menu after executing the command. Player.forceav character variable id valueThis command will forcefully set the specified player variable to the specified value. The difference between this command and setav is that this command will set the value of the player variable irrespective of all modifiers. For example, if you had +10 sneak from armor and used setav to set your sneak to 20, you'd have a total of 30 sneak but with this command, your total sneak would be 20 as it ignores all factors and changes the absolute value, not the base value.
Character Variable IDThe ID of the character variable you wish to forcefully change the value of.ValueThe value you wish to set the character variable to. Help 'search term' search type form idThis command can be used to search for functions, item codes, IDs for NPCs/objects, settings and much more. See argument explanation for details. 'Search Term'The string you wish to search for, in 'quotation marks'.Search TypeThe type of search you wish to execute:. 0 - search for everything. 1 - search for functions. 2 - search for settings.
3 - search for globals. 4 - search for a form (next argument)Form IDOnly required if searching for a form (search type '4'). Forms:. AMMO (Ammunition). ARMO (Armor). ALCH (Food, drink, etc). BOOK (Magazines, notes).
CELL (Map cells). FACT (Factions). FURN (Furniture).
MISC (Miscellaneous). NPC (NPCs). OMOD (Item modifications). PERK (Perks). QUST (Quests).
SPEL (Character conditions). STAT (Objects).
WEAP (Weapons). Toggleflycam freezeThis command toggles (enables and disables) flycam (freecam) for your character. In flycam mode, the camera becomes disconnected from your character - you can move it about to explore the world around your character (which will stay where it was when you enabled fly cam mode).
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After disabling flycam mode, your camera will return to its original position and control the character again. FreezeOptional - if you specify 1 here, all game animations will be frozen whilst in fly cam mode. Characterlight on / off / rim lighting strengthThis command can be used to enable, disable and edit rim lighting on character models. On / Off / RimSpecify 'on' to turn character lighting on, specify 'off' to turn character lighting off, specify 'rim' to edit the amount of character lighting (you will need to provide the 'float' argument after).Lighting StrengthOptional - only required if using the 'rim' argument. Specify a decimal (e.g.
0.01) here to set the new rim lighting strength. The default strength value is 0.02. Additem item id amount silent Target CommandThis command can be used to add a specified amount of any item to the inventory of an NPC, player or any other target with an inventory. Item IDThe ID of the item you wish to add to the target's inventory.AmountOptional (default is 1).
The amount of the specified item you wish to add to the inventory of the target.SilentOptional - only has an effect if the target ID is a player. Specify 0 to show a confirmation message before adding the items to the inventory of the target. Cf 'objectreference.additem' reference id amount silent Target CommandThis command is similar to the addItem command, but can be used to add items to inventories specified by their reference ID, not just their item ID. A reference ID is a unique ID assigned to any item/object/etc when it is spawned into the world. You can find out the reference ID of an item/object by clicking on it in your game whilst the console is open.
Reference IDThe reference ID (not item ID/base ID) of the item you wish to add to the target's inventory.AmountOptional, default is 1. The amount of the specified item you wish to add to the target's inventory.SilentOptional, only works when adding items to a player's inventory. Specify a 0 here to prompt the player with a confirmation message before adding the items to their inventory. Forceav variable id value Target CommandThis command will forcefully set the value of a specified variable. This command sets the variable to the value specified and ignores all other modifiers. If you were to set your sneak to 5 using this command and you had +15 sneak from clothing, you would still have 5 sneak. If you were to set your sneak to 5 using the setav command, you would have a total of 20 sneak with clothing that offered +15.
Fallout 4 Console Commands Steam
Variable IDThe ID of the variable you wish to set the value of - e.g. CATraitMean.ValueThe value you wish to set the variable to - note that this value will be set absolutely and ignore all current modifiers (e.g. If you used this command set the value of sneak to 5, and you had clothing that offered +15 sneak, your sneak value would still be 5). Setally faction id 1 faction id 2 friend / ally friend / allyThis command will make two factions become allies or friends with eachother.
Faction ID 1The ID of the faction you wish to make a friend/ally with the second specified faction.Faction ID 2The ID of the faction you wish to make a friend/ally with the first specified faction.Friend / AllySpecify 0 to make faction 1 a friend of faction 2, specify 1 to make faction 1 an ally of faction 2.Friend / AllySpecify 0 to make faction 2 a friend of faction 1, specify 1 to make faction 2 an ally of faction 1. Setenemy faction id 1 faction id 2 neutral / enemy neutral / enemyThis command will make two factions either neutral or enemies of eachother. Faction ID 1The ID of the faction you wish to make an enemy/neutral of the second specified faction.Faction ID 2The ID of the faction you wish to make an enemy/neutral of the first specified faction.Neutral / EnemySpecify 0 to make faction 1 neutral with faction 2, specify 1 to make faction 1 an enemy of faction 2.Neutral / EnemySpecify 0 to make faction 2 neutral with faction 1, specify 1 to make faction 2 an enemy of faction 1. Lock level requirement Target CommandThis command will lock doors, safes, containers and terminals. The lock requirements can be customized using the level requirement argument. Level RequirementThe lockpick level required to unlock the lock - a number between 1 and 100.
Fallout 4 Fast Travel Console Command Download
Other options are:. 0 - this will lock the target with the lock it previously had, or a novice lock if it did not previously have a lock.1 - this will make the lock require a key to open.2 - this will make the lock inaccessible.3 - this will make the target require a terminal to unlock.4 - this will make the lock a chained lock.5 - this will make the lock a barred lock.