Kingdom Under Fire Dark Elves
Weapon: One-handed Sword.: With Rupert.: Threatening Hironeiden, his friends or family. Gerald: Die, you foul beasts! Die in fear and in agony! Feel the sting of my blade!
Choke on your own dark, boiling blood! I will hang your intestines across my mantle, then spike your filthy heads upon my gate! You will rue the day you Dare. I AM GERALD AND YOU WILL ALL DIE BY MY HAND!!!.: In a more idealistic setting, his constant disobedience of orders and the chain of command in favor of idealism and his personal emotions might have allowed him to save the day, but in this game, it only costs him everything he cares about.Lucretia. Weapon: Dual Scimitars.: An odd postmortem case.
Kingdom Under Fire Ii
She may have been mocking and insulting Rithrin all this time, but his death absolutely devastates her.: With Rithrin. Mostly from her side.: Don't call her Luci. (Actually, she tolerates it from Cirith.).: With Morene. Constantly.: She is arguably the most morally despicable of the four heroes, but she can fight just as well as the others.: With her swords.: Loathes humans ('apes') and half-vampires.: Her A and B-move do this, forward and backward, respectively.: She has a bad temper.: She's kind of a haughty bitch.: Like most elves.: Well, countries, considering that the darkelves are traditionally organized into city-states. But Lucretia is a darkelf supremacist who absolutely despises that they are ruled by half-vampires now.: The Red to Morene's Blue.: Her distaste for being called Luci. At first, only Rithrin does it.
We're soldiers. We put our swords first and our hearts second.An Ecclesian captain under the command of Sir Justino. Ellen is a half-elf and constantly wears a face-covering helmet to hide her semi-pointed ears. When the secret of her heritage leaks out to Ecclesia, which is dominated by, she becomes a fugitive and ends up fleeing to Hironeiden, where she is found by Gerald and eventually becomes his right-hand woman and later wife with whom he has a son called Glen. Ellen is a decent person at heart, but has a great loathing for elves. She is also rather cold and snarky, partially due to her reasonable and sharp-witted attitude when surrounded by overly emotional people, but either way, she cares for the soldiers under her command.
She also likes to playfully fight with Rupert.She is an officer under Gerald in his campaign in Crusaders. Weapon: Rapier and Bow.: The only important female character from the humans side that fights with you, or you play as her.: She is fast and powerful, but doesn't have a strong defense.: During the beginning of Gerard story, she is the serious one between Gerald and Rupert, who tended to take things lightly. This role however slowly fades away after Hirudegarn is taken by the enemy, where Gerard takes himself more seriously.: One she teaches Gerald. 'Swords first, hearts second.' .: With Rupert.Leinhart I am Leinhart, Prince of Vellond.
Weapon: Katar.: It's actually a facde.: A Vellond Agent attempting to infiltrate the Kaedes.: Subverted. She does make fun of 'apes' like other darkelves, but she actually finds them attractive.: Like the other dark elves, she is quite powerful and fast, but lacks defense. Unlike Lucretia, however, she tend to use elemental magic.: Cirith isn't dumb at all and has a good perception of people and manipulation. On the other hand, some of her soldiers get surprised even seeing her read a book.: Flirts with Rithrin and expresses an interest in their human enemies on occasion. Again, this is mostly a facade.
In her own campaign, she gets outright annoyed at people expressing an interest in her sexually.: She likes to paint herself as the typical, boy-obsessed ditzy darkelf girl, but she's actually rather smart and perceptive.Morene Strident. Morene: Do I look like I give an orc's ass?.: She looks down on humans ('apes', especially the fanatic Ecclesians going into death meaninglessly for their Patriarch) and occasionally mocks the darkelves, though not that much. She also actually expresses sympathy for the orcs, all of which makes sense when you consider that she is a nationalist who believes in Vellond surpremacy, which just so happens to include a multiracial empire.: With a bit of.: In Lucretia's campaign.: Again, very devoted to the Vellondian cause.: Probably the only Vellondian besides Leinhart who treats orcs decently.: The Blue to Lucretia's Red.: Extremely serious and rather quiet, especially compared to Cirith and Lucretia.: Clearly how she feels during Lucretia's campaign.: Zigzagged/Defied. She is the Vellondian King's mistress, but it's implied she only tolerates it because of her loyalty to Vellond and doesn't care for it, nor have any hand in starting it herself or using it to manipulate the king.
While dressing in a revealing style, she never seems to try using seduction on anyone, though she might flirt a bit, and her actual in-action persona is incredibly serious, stoic, devoted and thoughtful and while ruthless and brutal to her foes, she might be one of the most idealistic-hearted characters in the game when it comes to her nation.Urukubarr Then prove you have the strengh to defend Hexter! Hironeiden ItselfHironeiden is composed of humans mostly, but elves, most notably the city-state of Arein, exist as mostly independent protectorates within the nation. There are also some diplomatic ties with the dwarf nations north of Ecclesia.King Saul of Hironeiden.: Mixed.: It backfires spectacularly.General Hugh.: Is said to have practically raised Gerald and Rupert.: Fighting Regnier, he goes from 'Hah, don't believe the stories! He's just a dumb brute and we'll kill him!' To 'My god.we're all going to die.'
.: According to Morene, humans revere him.: He uses himself as bait to lure Lucretia into a trap. Presumably, Gerald learned that trick from him.: To Gerald and Rupert.Walden.: Discussed in-universe.: After his sacrifice, his fellow soldiers realize that, despite being kind of a jerk, he wasn't such a bad guy in the end.: Dies slowing down Lucretia's troops, allowing the Hironeiden king to escape Esse.: To Gerald.ParothA Hironeiden messenger to Elves and Dwarves. Escorting him is the prime objective of Rupert's campaign.: Contrasting Rupert's personality.: The group's designated healer. Vellond ItselfThe first nation in Bersian history to unite the warring darkelf city-states. Founded by the Vampire King Valdemar, Vellond is a fast-growing multiracial hegemony held together by liberal use of the. At the top, vampires and half-vampires serve as the ruling caste, providing high-ranked generals, officers, aristocrats and territorial Overseers. The matriarchal darkelves compose most of the population and fighting force, as well as the elite Yenicheri bodyguards.
Orcs and ogres of Hexter are a recent acquisition, see Hexter Itself for details. There are also humans living in Vellond, perpetually in fear of their vampiric overlords.
A notable Vellond subfaction are the Kaedes. This Anti-Vellond darkelf nationalist faction is intent on overthrowing the vampiric rulers of the realm and restoring darkelf self-governance. What they lack in power, they make up for in stealth operations and by supporting Vellond's enemies. In the end, the Vampire King's manipulations fail him and the Kaedes reach their goal as he is abandoned by more and more of his allies while Encablossa comes down on him, leading to his death and the dismantling of the Vellond Empire as we know it.: All darkelf troops. Darkelves seem to be naturally matriarchal. You will find the occasional male in their ranks, but rarely with a specific pattern to it. In many ways, it could be said that males with darkelves are of a similar role as an in a usually patriarchal army.: Used and subverted.
Orcs, darkelves and half-vampires make up the state together, but they highly distrust each other and despite claiming unity between the races, the half-vampires are clearly the ruling caste, while the orcs are considered the lowest.: To Hironeiden, which is also composed of several major races. Hexter ItselfMore of a geographical region than a nation, Hexter is inhabited by many independent tribes of orcs who are traditionally lead by ogres as their chiefs. Though feuding one another, the tribes are fairly united in their beliefs and traditions, until Vellond sees an oppurtunity to expand and begins 'pacifying' Hexter by supporting some of the weaker tribes with war materials. The most notable of these tribes is the Darokha Tribe. This effectively splits Hexter into the Pro-Vellond and Anti-Vellond tribes.
Besides the Darokha, the most notable Pro-Vellond faction turns out to be the otherwise independent-minded Jurai Tribe, led by Chief Jubal, while the Anti-Vellond faction is led by Chief Urukubarr of the Gorzanik Tribe. Managing to get the Darokha to switch allegiance, Urukubarrs Anti-Vellond movement eventually succeeds in driving out most Vellondians. This in turn causes King Valdemar to send Regnier to pacify and regain the area, but Regnier has his own plans. Gaining the allegiance of Urukubarr and thus the whole movement of free orcs, as well as the support of Valdemar's own son Leinhart, he begins quietly consolidating power of his own until eventually breaking away from Vellond altogether, causing them to go to war with his newly-founded Hexter Commonwealth. Tweaking windows repair pro key 10. After this point, very few orcs and ogres still serve Vellond, instead following Regnier wherever he chooses to lead them.Regnier(see his entry above) Chief Urukubarr(see his entry above) Chief Darokha Chief Jubal.