New York Academy Of Medicine Chief Debate
- Academy Of Medicine Atlanta Ga
- New York Academy Of Medicine Chief Debate Youtube
- New York Academy Of Medicine Chief Debate 2017
March 23, 1860, Page 2 The New York Times ArchivesAfter twice failing to obtain a quorum at its meetings owing to unusually bad weather upon the appointed nights, the New-York Academy of Medicine held its regular session on Wednesday evening, in the small chapel of the University, the President, Dr. JOHN WATSON, in the Chair.After the reading of the minutes of the last meeting, Dr. GARDNER then presented some bottles of water from a mineral spring, the property of Gen. BRADLEY, in Flushing, L.I. This spring his long been favorably known as the 'Physic Spring' - this name having come down from the Indian medicine men.
Was first introduced to the profession by old Dr. MITCHELL, of this City, who made several analyses of it. CHILTON has made several analyses, one of which is here with presented. One gallon contains the following ingredients:Chloride of Sodium.
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Academy Of Medicine Atlanta Ga
1.45Chloride of Calcium, Chloride of Magnesium. 81.Bicarbonate of Magnesia. 1.08Bicarbonate of Lime. 86Pro???ocarbonate of ???on. 3.20Sulphate of Lime.
New York Academy Of Medicine Chief Debate Youtube
12Sulphate of Soda, Sulphate of Magnesia,. 70Organic Matter. 32Silica, Alumina, &c. 8.86Free Carbonic Acid, 4,268 cubic inches.It will be seen that the proportion of iron is very large, and that it is uncombined with other mineral substance, which unusual quality makes it peculiarly valuable. The water, when taken from the spring, it very palatable and perfectly limpid and pure, but after standing some hours the iron is precipitated in a carbonate.
It occurred to the speaker that this precipitate being caused by the discharge of the volatile gas, by the mechanical addition of carbonic acid gas the precipitation might be prevented, and thus the water could be advantageously bottled. This has been satisfactorily done, and the water presented has been bottled for about a month. Thought that this was an entirely new suggestion of considerable value, as ferruginous waters are known to be preserved with very great difficulty.??? Dr. STEVENS stated that there was another iron spring in the neighborhood of Flushing, but about 20 miles from New-York; another in New-Jersey, at Plainfield, &c. He considered that the method of bottling and preserving it was of considerable practical importance. After the water had been very generally tasted, the Academy adjourned at about 10 3/4 o'clock.At a recent meeting of the Medico-Chirurgical College, 'Salting the Streets' was the regular subject for debate, but owing to the press of other matters, was not arrived at till a late hour of the evening.
New York Academy Of Medicine Chief Debate 2017
The opinions of various gentlemen were unanimous in reprobating the practice, but no new suggestions were offered.
MedicineRead theThe Department of Medicine is the largest clinical/research/educational section at New York Medical College and Westchester Medical Center, which share a campus in Valhalla, Westchester County, New York. The affiliated academic medical center enjoys a regional and national reputation for excellence and achievement in all three essential areas.Departmental physicians provide compassionate and expert care for an acute care hospital with the highest case mix index (level of patient illness intensity) in the U.S. They manage routine medical problems while providing highly specialized bedside treatment for complicated cases admitted from the emergency room or transferred from the southern Hudson Valley Region of New York—seven counties with a population density of three million.Highly specialized care is available at multiple outpatient clinics and private practice facilities on and off campus. Ever ready to upgrade its facilities and services, the department was among the first on the East Coast to provide a 24 hour/7 days a week Hospitalist Service and Cardiac Diagnostic-Intervention Program.Department of Medicine physicians participate in the teaching of all students at New York Medical College, one of the largest private medical schools in the nation. Celebrating its 150th anniversary in 2010, the college trains post-graduate physicians as Medicine residents and sub-specialty fellows in all disciplines. The core residency program has been recognized for innovations in clinical training; fellowship programs have attained the highest possible accreditation status.