Hoyt Podium X 40

Hoyt Podium X 40 Rating: 6,0/10 8472 reviews

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It contains:.Archery SubredditsRelated subredditsAdditions to the above tables welcome. Podium owner here, have shot pro comp. Prop comp feels very nimble and small in comparison to a podium which feels like a Boeing 747 which us nice in its own right. Prop comp is like a 308 rifle and podium feels like a 50 Cal. The power stroke on podium is longer, the lack of a string stopper makes it even longer. Both are quick and stable bows. I'd say that the pro comp is slightly easier to shoot (I'm talking about both bows with spiral cams).

I found the adjustable grip to be meh. I tried all different angles and none of them really clicked with me much.

That said, the grips on both are really slim and slippery so you'll have to add grip tape or over grip to both. The cable guard on podium is old style thing (the hooks that the cables slide through). I personally like the pro comp cable guard better but it apparently can chew up cables. The podium cable rod is adjustable in its angle. It allows you to change the pre-load and cam lean throughout the shot. It's a feature that's helpful if you know what you're doing. If you don't, then you'll be in a world of pain from messing with it (I speak from experience).

Hoyt Podium X 40Hoyt Podium X 40

Though that said, it's a good opportunity to learn everything that there is to learn about tuning a bow. Once properly set up, they both can shoot 10 and Xs till the cables wear out no problem. What they are NOT, is what you call forgiving. You mess up, it's all on you with these things because they won't baby you and will rip you apart for your screw up (though could be just spiral cams). I can't comment to a full extent on what makes one bow better than the other. I have shot both though and to my experience I preferred the podium. It felt more stable and balanced to me as a bare bow and once loaded with the stabilizers, it was a whole different game of stability.

Hoyt Podium X Elite 40 For Sale

The Pro Comp didn't feel as comfortable and had more vibration on the shot and seemed to lurch forward on release as well where the podium was more dead in hand.As far as the spiral cams to the GTX cams there's no question for me, GTX all the way. The spiral cams are very unforgiving and I found that you have to constantly be on your A game while shooting them, any moment of being relaxed getting thrown off due to a sound etc those cams will make you put that arrow down and have you redraw the bow. Now spiral have a great back wall and a shallower valley which a lot of people prefer, they're just not for me. My shooting style agrees more with the GTX cams. I didn't find that either one was harder to shoot than the other.

Hoyt Podium For Sale

I was comfortable with both to shoot them but I preferred and felt more comfortable with the Podium. That being said, we have a couple guys at the shop that went from a Pro Comp to a new Podium and sold the Podium and went back to their Pro Comp and some kept their Podium and sold the Pro Comp.

Hoyt Podium X 40 Review

So I guess it all just depends on the shooter. I'd look into the new HyperEdge if you can find one in your range as well. I shot a Hoyt reps Hyperedge, Tony Tazza, and man was that bow amazing. If I wasn't shooting for my shop for Mathews I'd be going after that bow.The Pro Comp I shot had the spirals and I shot a new Podium with both spiral and GTX.Biggest advice I can give you is shoot the bows if you get a chance, if you're at the range often, talk to some of the guys and see if they'll let you take a shot or two out of their bow, most will. That's how I came across shooting all the bows I have. It helps in the buying process.

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