Objectives Of Rti Act India

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However, article 19(1)(a) of the India’s constitution provides “Freedom of Expression”, as a Fundamental Right and as well as in the matter of State of UP v Raj Narain (1975)4 SCC 428, Supreme Court of India has already declared “Right To Know” as a fundamental Right under article 19(1)(a). It means to know the information any one can approach to the High Court or Supreme Court directly, but this efforts was not enough to avail the information properly and systematically as well as uncertainty was their regarding its applicability which was creating ambiguous situation and facing difficulties to avail the information from the various agencies of government and non-government organizations. Therefore in order to provide systematic and concrete mechanism Parliament of India enacted “Right To Information Act 2005” which facilitate the citizen to avail all kind of information with reasonable restriction mentioned as a general and specific exception under Section 8, 9, and 24 of the same Act. According to Section 3 of RTI Act only citizen of India is eligible to file the application for any information subject to this Act but the guideline issued by Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions Department of Personnel & raining, through their letter No.1/69/2007-IR dated 27 th February 2008, directs that, if any RTI Application filed on the behalf of organization, in such case, instead of rejection that should be accepted as a personal application on the behalf of that name of the person mentioned in the RTI Application. The expression “ under the control of public authority” which is perused in final part of the Section 2(f) while defining the word “Information” that, “ information relating to any private body, which can be accessed by a public authority under any other law for the time being in force” means citizen can access the information which is directly related to the activities of that Public Authority as well as those information regarding private body which is held by that Public authority. So in this way indirectly citizen can access the information related to the private bodies from the government offices who are authorised to control or monitor them, or connected in any way under any other laws for the time being in force. To promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority.This Act ensure to eradicate the any type of corruption in Public Authority by providing mandatory obligation to the Public Authority to make ensure to disseminate the information sought by the Indian citizen within a certain time period with nominal fee.

Rti Act 2005 In Hindi

As well as Section 4 impose Public authority to maintain and provide access all the information specified in the Section 4 (b) by applying suo motu (self initiative) action. So, due to the mandatory dissemination of information in the accessible format definitely transparency and accountability can established because that information not only help to aware the puple as well as could admit as a evidence in any legal procedure.

Rti Act Pdf

In earlier blog posts, India’s National IPR Policy has been discussed at length. In February 2015, were made by the Centre for Internet and Society to the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion ( hereinafter, the “DIPP”). The response of the DIPP to these requests could be described as vague, at best. A discusses the questions, the responses and the other nuances of this endeavour at length.Having failed repeatedly in our attempts to retrieve information pertaining to the IPR Think Tank that was, essentially, in charge of formulating the National IPR Policy, we put forth an RTI request to the IPR Think Tank earlier this month. The response is awaited, at the moment. Support UsPlease help us defend citizen and user rights on the Internet!Or, write a cheque in favour of ‘The Centre for Internet and Society’ and mail it to us at No.

Rti Act Bangladesh


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