Soundstream Spl 15 Manual
Recognize this guy? He was featured in my 'NESPL Car Audio Competition' But honestly, after all the Upgraded he's done, you'll be hard pressed recognizing him now.Enjoy The Music? Subscribe For More ORIGINAL Tracks!'
Dark Caster' - By Cultivata BeatsBeat Made On FL Studio 8This bass was awesome, by far the greatest sounding system I've heard in a long time - It was so resonant on the low notes & tones were burping were so deep - No lie - The deepest I've ever heard - & on top of that we were hitting 150 + on a HAIRTRICK!! I'm tellin' yah these aeroports are the best!
.SubwoofersIOWNER’S MANUAL ANDi.INSTALLATION GUIDE) I.- bt.’1TECUNDSTREAM’HN0L0GiESSOUNDSTREAM TECHNOLOGIES120 Blue Ravine Road l Folsom l California 95630 USAtel 916.351.I 288 fax 916.351.SPL15 and SPL160 SUBWOOFERCONGRATULATIONS!You have chosen a superior product forreproducing high levels of 'Sound Pressure Level' in the car. This precisioncomponent, when properly installed, is capable of amazing outputperformance. The SPL15 and SPL160 woofers are well-suited for sealed,vented, and sealed bandpass enclosures.
This version of Karaoke Builder Studio is our biggest update ever. It's so big that we jumped straight from version 3.0 to version 5.0! Here's what we've added to. Karaoke builder studio 5.0. Karaoke Builder Studio 5.0. If you want to create karaoke CD+G tracks which are as good as or better than the professional disc makers can produce, you need Karaoke Builder Studio 5.0. Add lyrics, sync with the music, accurately edit and fine-tune every detail to build the perfect karaoke track.
They also work well in infinite baffleinstallations at one-half the power rating.and home theater applications.PreliminarySPECIFICATIONS & THIELE/SMALL PARAMETERSSPECIAL DESIGN FEATURES!Impedance (nominal Z, ohms)22Rated Program Power, Watts400800Fs (Hz)2528.33.336.807.82.35.35Vas (ft3)7.987.24Vas (liters)226205.226.205Cms (um/N)201183DCR (ohms)1.682.01Levc (mH) @ 1 KHz1.02.67BL (Tesla m)12.413.3131.0131.0.0845.SELECTING AN ENCLOSUREThere are several different enclosure designs for different applications.The SPL subwoofers work very well in all the following enclosuredesigns. It is up to you to select the specific enclosure that will workthe best for your particular application.Infinite BaffleInfinite baffle is the simplest type of subwoofer installation.
In this typeof installation, the woofer(s) is mounted to a baffle which is thenmounted to either the rear deck or back seat of the vehicle.which is tuned to resonate at a specific frequency.Sealed Bandpass EnclosureSealed bandpass enclosures enclose both sides of thewoofer(s). An airtight enclosure is built around the front and back ofSUGGESTED ENCLOSURESProsInfinite Baffle. Excellent performance for all types of music at moderate levelsSealed. 1.5 ft3 - Good linear response, excellent small enclosure.Excellent for high SPL, multiple driver applications.
Soundstream Spl 15 Manual Transmission
2.ENCLOSURE VOLUME FLOWCHARTM ea sure m axim um po ssib le dim ensio nsBUILDING THE ENCLOSURE. Determine the dimensions of your enclosure. Be certain the box you have designed will fit into the location you havechosen. Sometimes making a cardboard box with the same outsidedimensions is helpful.M ultiply wa ll thickness by 2. Use 3/4 inch thick Medium Density Fiberboard (MDF) or High DensityParticleboard. It is preferable to cut the wood with a table saw to ensurestraight, even joints.